We will work with you and your design team to deliver bathroom pods that meet your requirements.

Tailored to your needs

Our pods are produced specifically to your requirements and budget – whether you need elegant basins for luxurious hotel rooms or efficient solutions for modern multi-residential buildings, the control is in your hands.

that speaks
for itself

Cost Certainty

Our off-site production means that you know exactly when your pod will be delivered, giving you the peace of mind that your programme is always on track. The streamlined approach to building also eliminates defects and snagging caused by a crowded site, giving you absolute cost certainty and removing unexpected costs.

Guaranteed Quality

From the simplest design to the most complex, every pod goes through our quality assurance system which is aligned to ISO 9001-2015. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and strict quality controls ensure that all pods have been tested to perfection before being delivered to you. Each pod’s quality assurance checks will be issued to you and your design team prior to being delivered on site.

to perfection


Each pod is fitted with a 6-8mm steel plate upon which the final finish is applied. We can work with your design team to produce a pod that doesn’t require a large recess in the structural slab. Our floor will have an overall thickness of between 25-30mm.


Pods consist of a rigid 60 x 60 x 3mm bottom steel frame where a structural framing system is fixed to. This ensures the structure is robust and can withstand the demands of transportation or installation.


Insulated hot and cold plumbing is compatible with every sanitaryware system, and all exterior plumbing is mechanically attached to the metal stud to ensure complete durability. Once completed, all pods undergo a rigorous testing procedure with a 5-7 bar water pressure test.

Transport and Installation

All pods are individually wrapped fully protected from the elements and then transported to site. The pod structure allows lifting from the bottom of the pod, meaning safer and faster installation on-site. Our user-friendly Caster System allows quick and efficient moving of pods after being placed on the structural slab.

End to End Support

You will be supported at every stage of your PORTEUS journey by our expert team, offering guidance on design and help with choosing all of the finer details. We work to ISO 19650 and PAS 1192 BIM Level 2 Standards, allowing us to collaborate seamlessly with your technical team throughout the process. From concept to programming and delivery, our teams will ensure your project is optimised with our pod solutions.